The Tiverton Police Department operates from a central police building located at 20 Industrial Way, Tiverton, RI. Currently, there are 34 sworn police officers on the staff. They are supported by 8 full-time public safety dispatchers, a records clerk, a maintenance/mechanic, a Chief’s administrative assistant, and an animal control officer.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Tiverton Police Department, in cooperation with the citizens of our community, to ensure public safety through the suppression and prevention of crime, and the aggressive pursuit of those who commit it. We will promote citizen satisfaction, quality of life and service, and responsiveness to community issues, while maintaining commitment to the highest standards of professional excellence and achievement, which will be synonymous with the Tiverton Police Department.
Value Statement
Our values are defined by the acronym “TPD-RI”, which also stands for the Tiverton Police Department, Rhode Island.
T = Teamwork: A partnership between the members of the Tiverton Police Department and the community to accomplish common goals.
P = Pride in ourselves, our organization and the people we serve. Pride means that we strive to present our best at all times.
D = Dedication to work towards a better, safer, and more prosperous community; dedication to our organization by training, education and experience which we share with each other.
R = Respect: The belief that every individual deserves to be treated in a fair, kind, and courteous manner.
I = Integrity: We value candor, honesty, and ethical behavior in the members of our department. We are committed to uphold our positions of trust by maintaining the highest ethical standards as set forth in the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.