The Tiverton Police Detective Division is under the command of a Lieutenant who serves as the division commander. The division is responsible for the investigation of all major felonies, including but not limited to homicide, robbery, felony assault, sexual assault, child molestation, burglary, and all violations of the uniformed controlled substance act. The detective division is also responsible for the preparation and presentation of all felony, misdemeanor, and traffic cases that are generated by the department. The Detective Division works closely with the State Attorney General’s office and the Town Solicitor to ensure the successful prosecution of all violations of Local and State Law. The Detective Division also maintains close relationships with Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement agencies to share intelligence and provide assistance with ongoing criminal investigations.
Detective Lieutenant Jonathan Cunningham (Division Commander, Investigations)
Office: 401-816-4426
Fax: 401-625-6721
Detective Sergeant Stephen Parrillo (Division Supervisor, Prosecution, Investigations)
Office: 401-816-4425
Fax: 401-625-6721
Detective Nicole Beauvais (Juvenile Detective, Investigations, Sex Offenders)
Office: 401-816-4427
Fax: 401-625-6721
If you have information about a crime in Tiverton, you may contact a detective directly, or you may go to our TIPS page and send an anonymous message.
For general questions or information, please email