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Rhode Island Police Accreditation Commission Announces Accreditation of Tiverton Police Department

RHODE ISLAND – The Rhode Island Police Accreditation Commission (RIPAC) and Chief Patrick Jones are pleased to announce that the Tiverton Police Department has achieved full state accreditation for the first time.

The Tiverton Police Department became officially accredited on March 10. The initial assessment began in January.

The Rhode Island Police Accreditation Commission comprises 204 standards that departments must meet to achieve accreditation. Of these 204 standards, the Tiverton Police Department was required to show that it had written directives (policies and procedures) that adhered to these standards.

Additionally, the Tiverton Police Department was required to show “proofs,” which displayed, in practice, that officers were adhering to these policy guidelines and standards. These “proofs” consisted of call logs, arrest reports, incident reports, photographs, video/audio recordings, lesson plans, training plans, weapon qualification forms and summary reports.

Members of the Tiverton Police Department were adhering to most of these standards prior to engaging in this process; however, a number of policies were outdated and required updating.

“Although the majority of standards were being properly adhered to prior to this assessment, we recognized several deficiencies,” said Sgt. Marco Valzovano, who served as the department’s Accreditation Manager. “When I was promoted in November of 2019, the Tiverton Police Department had very limited understanding of the accreditation function. Thanks to these aforementioned processes, however, Tiverton Police gained a fundamental understanding of the accreditation process, what it meant, and how it would assist our future. These trainings were invaluable to our accreditation.”

Among the areas the department focused on improving were personnel evaluations, uniformity of lesson plans, timeliness of trainings and recruitment standards.

Tiverton Police thank the Rhode Island Police Accreditation Commission, in particular Executive Director Christine Crocker, for its assistance in the accreditation process.   

Now that it has achieved accreditation, the Tiverton Police Department will prepare for its 2024 Re-accreditation Assessment.

“We applaud the members of the Tiverton Police Department, including Sergeant Valzovano, Chief Jones and all those involved in the accreditation process for their hard work reviewing and improving their practices and procedures,” said Crocker.

For more information about the Rhode Island Police Accreditation Commission, including details on the accreditation process, click here.
